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and trade:

the impacts of
non-food biomass
global supply chains

Biodiversity and trade:

the impacts of
non-food biomass
global supply chains

and trade:

the impacts of
non-food biomass
global supply chains



picture of sea walnut
WP1 : Quantify species diversity impacts
WP1 : Diversity impacts

We will develop models for quantifying impacts on species richness... [...]

picture of whale
WP3 : Impacts of trade in raw and processed non-food biomass
WP3 : Impacts of trade in non-food biomass

We will quantify the impacts of global trade in raw and processed non-food biomass from land and sea. [...]

picture of case studies
WP4 : Assess leverage points for biodiversity conservation
WP4 : Biodiversity conservation

We plan to test all the developed models with case studies, in order to test their [...]

picture of waste
WP5 : Exploitation & Dissemination
WP5 : Exploitation & Dissemination

The aim is to maximize the impact of the project by actively disseminating its outcomes. [...]

picture of sea walnut
WP6 : Coordination & Management
WP6 : Coordination & Management

The coordination of research done here should keep the Work Packages in step with each other. [...]

picture of sea walnut
WP7 : Retail Case Studies
WP7 : Retail Case Studies

Two real-world case studies through assessing the biodiversity impact in the supply lines of two large Retail Partners. [...]

Mailing Address

Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk
Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap
Realfagbygget, E4-148, Gløshaugen

Mailing Address

Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk
Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap
Realfagbygget, E4-148, Gløshaugen

picture of sea walnut
Scenario workshop
Scenario workshop

In June, we hosted an online workshop to gather input for the scenarios we will run later in the project. We invited participants from NGOs, research institutes and private companies from around the globe to ensure a wide array of perspectives. With expertise ranging from biodiversity to biomass products, the experts made valuable contributions to the discussion. The participants’ input will not only improve the scenarios but also help us communicate the upcoming results.
Thank you to all workshop participants!
#biodiversity #biomass #scenarios

picture of sea walnut
Discussion forum on biodiversity
Discussion forum on biodiversity

Join the event hosted by BAMBOO members Francesca Verones, Laura Scherer, Stephan Pfister, and Martin Bruckner.
14 years after the first discussion forum on biodiversity, we take stock of the current state of the art in assessing biodiversity in LCA and discuss the way forward. We aim to address the breadth of biodiversity impacts, needs for inventories, and ongoing work related to transformative pathways by presenting and discussing snapshots of work from a range of scientists and practitioners.
Learn more & register:https://lca-forum.ch/

For more information and news regarding the project, please follow us on


For more information and news regarding the project, please follow us on


Our Partners

Bamboo is coordinated by NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNU. The project comprises 8 partners from 7 countries.

picture:logo EU and ERC
picture:logo EU and ERC

Co-funded by the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority or the Swiss Confederation can be held responsible for them.

Bamboo © 2023
webmaster: Industrial Ecology Digital Lab   picture:logo Industrial ecology programme

picture:logo EU and ERC
picture:logo EU and ERC

Co-funded by the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority or the Swiss Confederation can be held responsible for them.

Bamboo © 2023
webmaster: Industrial Ecology Digital Lab
picture:logo Industrial ecology programme