
Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains

Biodiversity and trade: mitigating the impacts of non-food biomass global supply chains


WP7 : Retail Case Studies

WP7 : Retail Case Studies
WP7 : Retail Case Studies
picture of marine plastic

Objective of Work Package : We will execute two real-world case studies through assessing the biodiversity impact in the supply lines of two large Retail Partners. A key objective is to evaluate data availability and useability of the models in such situations and generate supporting documentation to aid future uptake and alignment with industry practices. The case studies will be designed to drive impact within the retailers and inspire others through effective dissemination of these examples. SGS will act as a trusted partner to manage the confidential and proprietary data from the Retail Partners and bridge the knowledge and models generated by BAMBOO with the business world.

Methodology : WP7 will perform case studies using products from two Retail Partners. SGS will do supply chain mapping and surveys of the partners and use the collected data to characterize and initial baseline assessment using the BAMBOO-developed models. We will then implement a scenario-based approach to identify new leverage points for biodiversity conservation along the supply chains. Using its certification expertise, SGS will also aim to review the modelled pressures and compare those to local suppliers acting under certification schemes or deploying specific management strategies. We will report effectively on these case studies and aim to elaborate on the potential insights, business value, transformational change and corporate governance such a scenario-based impact assessment can drive within large retailers.

Output : WP7 will deliver a final document or white paper covering the methodology and key outcomes around useability, data sourcing and the potential insights and decisions such a scenario-based impact assessment can drive within the retail partners. This document will be shared via the project website and/or disseminated via various channels to reach our target audience.

Our Partners working on WP7
picture:logo EU and ERC

Co-funded by the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority or the Swiss Confederation can be held responsible for them.

Bamboo © 2023

picture:logo EU and ERC
picture:logo EU and ERC

Co-funded by the European Union and the Swiss Confederation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Swiss Confederation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority or the Swiss Confederation can be held responsible for them.

Bamboo © 2023
webmaster: Industrial Ecology Digital Lab

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